
Heath is always a key concern, but in a disaster or emergency the need for good health and health preparedness becomes paramount . Many disaster and emergency situations put a greater strain on our health because of increased stress, sanitation, scarcity of water, or the emergency may be an outbreak. Many times one problem will lead to another. So it is important to understand basic health, nutrition, herbology, first aid and so on. Many people are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with the use of first aid or medical equipment and therefore don’t have it. My suggestion is to have it. For example, you may not know how to stitch up a cut, but if you have the sutures in your first aid kit, someone who knows how to can come help you. It would be easier to ask for assistance if the person providing the know-how does not also have to provide the equipment. Herbs, essential oils and medical supplies all fall under this category. Just because you might not know what to do with them right now, does not mean that you should not supply yourself with the basics.

Immune System The immune system is very important to keep strong. It maintains the functions in your body from healing a cut or broken bone to fighting off invading organisms. Your best defense against infection is to always have a strong immune system

Prepper Herb Pack
Check out the Essential Herbs prepper herbal extracts at Basin Home Survival in Vernal, Utah. These herbs have been specially formulated to fill a wide variety of needs in our everyday life and to support our health in an emergency situation.
My Immune
Turmeric Plus
Parasite Complex

Essential Oils are awesome alternative health aids that have applications from assisting in wound healing, to soothing bee stings, to killing the h1n1 virus, or just smelling good to reduce stress. Below is a list of basic essential oils that we suggest:
Tea Tree (Melaleuca)




Essential Oils:  or 
Essential Oil Tools (spray bottles, roller bottles etc.):

Hygiene and Sanitation
Hygiene and sanitation are things that are often overlooked but are absolutely essential in our everyday lives. If you want to find out how important these things can be, go into your bathroom and ask yourself which one of these conveniences you would like to live without. It is true in an emergency situation, we may have to do without some of our modern conveniences, but toilet paper, toothbrushes, tooth paste and soap we hope we don’t have to do without. Feminine hygiene products are another area that is often overlooked. We recommend getting an ample supply of the necessaries, and suggest looking at the diva cup at

Here is a recipe to make your own deodorant from items in your food storage.
Homemade Deodorant
4 T coconut oil
3 T baking soda
3 T cornstarch
10 drops of essential oil (optional)

Helpful Tips When You Can’t Get to a Doctor 
Eating a nutritious diet and avoiding junk food and processed food helps the body to maintain health and strength and avoid disease. 

Burns and Cuts
Aloe Vera:  Peel plant and apply the pulp to the burn.
Ointment: Mix together equal parts of wheat germ oil, raw honey and comfrey. Apply to burn ½ inch thick, cover with gauze and bandage lightly. Add more paste as needed without removing existing paste. This paste can be stored at a cool temperature for several months. A commercial ointment is called B&W Salve from Wholesome Specialties.  It contains honey, wheat germ oil, aloe vera, olive oil, lanolin, marshmallow root, white oak bark, wormwood, comfrey root, lobelia, vegetable glycerin and beeswax.
A great book for wounds is “Comfort for the Burned and Wounded” by John W. Keim

Work with the fever. Fever is not the enemy but the cure. The body can withstand high fever temperatures if it is properly hydrated. During a fever do not force food on the person just keep them hydrated with fresh juice, herbal teas or sea salt added to water with a little honey.
An enema of warm water and sea salt can be used for a person with a high fever that cannot drink water. This will keep the body hydrated and the electrolytes replenished. Check the person’s temperature every 30 minutes to monitor how it is maintaining.
Teas for fever include red raspberry leaf and yarrow.  Yarrow can be taken alone or have Angelica added (1 ounce of each per quart of boiling water. Simmer it down to 1 pint; strain, drink warm, 2 fluid ounces every 2 hours.
A hot bath increases perspiration and helps to break a fever and remove impurities.  Note: To stay hydrated you can drink one quart of tea for every 45 minutes you are in a hot tub.
Other herbs for fevers include nettle, chamomile, and elderflowers. Coming off a fever drink juices and eat fresh fruit for a day or two before returning to a normal diet.

Isolate infected person. Wear a mask when you are around the sick person and wash your hands thoroughly. Take Immune Plus and 1 tsp. charcoal.

Herbs for Colds and Flu
Teas - Singly or in combination, these herbs are good for cold and flu: Red raspberry leaf, elderflowers, yarrow, linden, peppermint, or fresh grated ginger. Use 1 oz. of any combination of the above herbs, put in a glass or stainless steel pot and pour ½ pint of boiling water over them. Cover tightly and keep warm on the stove for 15 minutes, strain and cover immediately and keep warm. Take 1 cupful every 30 to 45 minutes until perspiration appears then 2 TBSP every 1 to 2 hours.
Boneset tea can be used to break a chill in an intermittent fever. Pour 1 ¼ pints of boiling water over 1 oz. of cut herb. Cover and set in a hot place to steep for 30 minutes (do not let boil).
Dr. Box’s tea for flu is made from ½ oz. elderflowers, ½ oz. peppermint leaves crushed and 1 ½ pints boiling water. Let steep, strain and sweeten. Drink the whole amount while still hot. Lie down and stay loosely covered. Put a hot water bottle with a cloth or towel dipped in apple cider vinegar on your feet. This will help you perspire and sleep. Note: Alternate fruit juices with herbal teas throughout the day. Lemon juice in warm water is wonderful -you can add powdered or grated ginger.
Cold Busting Tea
½ cup dried peppermint leaves
½ cup lemon balm leaves
½ cup dried elderflowers
½ cup dried yarrow
Blend the herbs and store the mixture in an airtight jar in a dark cool place. When you’re ready to make the tea, steep 1 tsp. of the blend per cup of hot water for 5 to 10 minutes, strain and drink.

Treatments for Colds and Flu
Dr. Christopher’s Super Immune Garlic Formula - 4 oz. a day until symptoms are gone or take 16 cloves of fresh garlic 2-4 at a time throughout the day if infected. Eating 4 cloves a day is a preventative measure.
Elderberry liquid tincture - 3 x a day.  Elderberry juice can also be taken as a prevention.
Grapefruit seed extract and/or oregano oil, mix in a small amount of water to drink or with olive oil and put in a capsule to take.
Food: Do not eat meat or dairy. Fresh apple juice is best, lemon juice and water or other fresh juices as available. Try fresh orange juice or eat the orange.  If you have to use canned juice, use juice without added sugar. Drink plenty of filtered water and herbal teas. Clear onion soup is very nourishing.

Onion Soup-Fawn Christopher
Serves 6
2 T Olive Oil
4 large yellow onions - thinly sliced
1 t salt
½ t dry mustard
1-2 dashes of thyme
4 cups of water
2 vegetable bouillon cubes
2 T Tamari or Shoyu (optional)
Garlic cloves
Add olive oil, onions and salt into kettle or Dutch oven.  Cook over medium heat for about ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Add mustard and thyme, stir and cover. Reduce heat to low - continue to cook slowly for about 35 minutes. Onions will be soft and simmering in their own liquid. Add water, Tamari or Shoyu and bouillon cubes. Simmer about ten minutes. Taste to adjust seasonings. Press garlic into soup after removing from heat (just before serving).

  • Garlic oil on chest and soles of feet. First rub the garlic oil on then put an onion poultice on and cover with a cloth (read how to make an onion poultice under Onions in the “From the Kitchen” section). Wrap Saran Wrap around the patient and the poultice Finally wrap an ace bandage to hold it in place and get under the covers.
  • Vitamin D  
  • MMS is an antibacterial and antiviral solution. It can be used internally, externally or as a bath. 
  • Probiotics
  • Rosemary essential oil opens airways and expels mucous. Lavender oil drains lymphs and removes moisture. Rub lymph nodes to drain. Massage from back of ear down to shoulder.
  • Spray Thieves Oil or other essential oils with similar benefit.
  • Soak in an Epson salt warm bath. Go to bed and cover up to continue to induce sweating which is what flu needs. This helps the body heal itself.
  • Warm ginger bath made from 3 TBSP grated ginger steeped in hot water for 5 to 10 minutes. Keep the bath water warm and drink teas (chamomile is great). You can also soak in a mustard or cayenne bath or add either or both to the ginger bath. Dress in clean warm clothes and go to bed to stay warm.
  • Mustard or onion plasters (see “From the Kitchen” below).
From the Kitchen 
  • Baking soda - Soak in a warm tub with ½ to 1 cup of soda for cleansing and relaxing.  Mix with a bit of water and put on insect bites, rashes, or eczema. Use to brush your teeth. Can be used to make deodorant.
  • Cayenne (capsaicin):  Contains antioxidant vitamins, has nine times more vitamin A than sweet peppers, twice as much vitamin C as an orange, is a good source of magnesium and potassium as well as other minerals. Pour cayenne into a wound to stop the bleeding and to disinfect it (the drier the area, the less it stings.) Cayenne is also used for one-sided cluster headaches. It is applied in the nostril on the same side as the headache. Cayenne boosts your body’s metabolic rate which assists in losing weight (take before meals). If you exercise take cayenne one hour before and you will increase the amount of fat you burn. Cayenne is also great for the heart. It helps prevents blood clots, improves cholesterol, reduces heart rate, prevents arrhythmias, and even helps to lower damage after a heart attack. Many studies also show that it kills tumor cells, including breast and prostate cancers. Cayenne can help prevent stroke and relieves tension headaches. This heat creating food is also great for your stomach. It appears to prevent ulcers, protect the gastric lining from alcohol damage and use of aspirin while helping with chronic digestive disorders. Mix cayenne with a little honey and put in wound to increase healing and reduce scarring.
  • Cinnamon: Helps regulate blood sugar.  Use in a gargle for sore throat.
  • Cloves: Antibacterial. Clove oil helps cut the pain from infected teeth.
  • Cranberry juice:  (best to use unsweetened) for bladder and urinary tract infections.
  • Garlic: Antibiotic, antiseptic, antibacterial. It is very effective to use for cold and flu prevention, lowering blood pressure, helping lower high cholesterol, and raising the immune function.  - Crush a clove and mix with some raw honey, eat for a sore throat. Rub olive oil on your feet then apply a crushed garlic clove. Wrap and put on socks and leave on overnight. The olive oil keeps the garlic from burning the skin.
  • Ginger: Is warming, increases circulation, and eases nausea. It is excellent for colds or flu. Grate fresh ginger and let steep in boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and stir in some honey. Add lemon juice. Drink the juice and jump into bed (Note: if you do not have fresh ginger use 1/4 to 1 tsp dry ginger. It is pretty hot so start on the low side.)
  • Raw Honey: colds and congestion, sore throats, cuts, and burns.
  • Horseradish: for congestion-peel and chop while breathing in, eat some on a cracker.
  • Lemon:  colds, flu, sore throats, disinfectant.
  • Mustard: Use for congestion. To make a mustard plaster, mix 1 TBL. mustard powder (or freshly ground seeds) mixed with 2 TBL. flour (or use 2 TBL. mustard, 2 TBL. flour and ½ tsp of soda). Add a splash of warm water to make a paste. Rub olive oil on skin, place mustard on a rectangle of flannel and fold over. Place on chest. Secure with more flannel, or plastic wrap. Put on a tight t-shirt. Check every 15 minutes to make sure it is not too hot. If the skin is becoming too red, remove the plaster keep person warm. Usually you can keep it on for 30 minutes without burning the skin. If you want to leave it on longer use more flour to dilute the mustard. As the plaster cools you can add a hot water bottle on top. For children age 6 and older, use 1 tsp mustard powder to 1 TBL. flour. You can also put a plaster on the back. Remember to never put the mustard poultice directly on skin.  Always apply it to a cloth and lay it on the chest.
  • Olive Oil:  This oil will penetrate the skin and nourish someone who cannot eat. Warm olive oil is great for your scalp and skin.
  • Onions: Antiseptic. To make a poultice, lightly steam or bake sliced onions and wrap them in cheesecloth. Place on the chest for congestion. You can secure it with a tight t-shirt, flannel that wraps around the body or plastic wrap. You can sleep with this poultice. You can also place the poultice over an ear for earache. Also, for an earache, a slice of raw onion can be effective. Raw onion slices have been laid on a forehead for headaches. Raw onion slices over the bladder area are helpful for bladder infections.
  • Oregano: An antiseptic.  Make into a tea to drink or wash out wounds.
  • Parsley: diuretic, freshens breath, kidneys
  • Peppermint:  tummy soother, digestion, menstruation
  • Thyme: tea for dandruff, it is an antiseptic, can medicate band aids before using them, drink as a tea for coughs and bronchitis.
  • Vinegar: Clean with white vinegar. Heal with real apple cider vinegar with the mother. Use for gargle, hair rinses, sore throat, arthritis, warts, foot and bath soaks, and digestive aide.
  • Plain Yogurt:  diarrhea, flu/colds, hemorrhoids, sore throat, urinary tract infections, yeast infections, replenish fauna in intestines.